This is our last update for 2024. We hope you found the newsletter informative.
We’ll be back in January with our regular roundup of regulatory notifications, consultations, national and international news, reports and upcoming events. Wishing you all the best of the holiday season and the New Year.
In this week's update, we highlight two important developments that could significantly impact our market dynamics and trade relationships: Trump’s proposed tariffs and the gene technology reforms in New Zealand. We also feature articles and reports on how our trading partners are adapting their genetically engineered (GE) regulations in response to changing perceptions and emerging technologies. As always, you will find links to these updates, along with our regular items, including regulatory notifications, consultations, national and international news in the update.
In this week's update, we highlight new developments in market access and the continued engagement by the coalition government with Southeast Asia. In overseas news, food safety and pesticide residues are in the spotlight. As always, you’ll find links to these, as well as our regular items of regulatory notifications, consultations, national and international news, and upcoming events in the update.
This week's update focuses on the increasing interest in trade with Vietnam from New Zealand and other countries. We also highlight key regulatory changes and ongoing challenges faced by exporters due to international trade policies and competitive markets. As always, you’ll find links to these, as well as our regular items of regulatory notifications, consultations, national and international news, and upcoming events in the update.
In this week's update, we share some of the latest developments in New Zealand’s primary sector, including key regulatory changes and highlight ongoing challenges faced by exporters due to international trade policies and competitive markets. As always, you’ll find links to these, as well as our regular items of regulatory notifications, consultations, national and international news, and upcoming events in the update.
In this week's update, we share some of the latest developments in New Zealand's international trade efforts as well as the challenges from lobbying within importing countries to reduce imports and support local production. You’ll find links to these as well as our regular items of regulatory notifications, consultations, national and international news, and upcoming events in the update.
This week’s update spotlights important trade developments with the resumption of tomato exports to Australia and strengthened ties with Indonesia while the use of genetic technology in food production continues to draw mixed responses from consumers and industry. In international news, Australia’s avocado production is forecast to increase significantly and an OECD-FAO report forecasts emerging economies will continue to drive agricultural markets. You’ll find links to these as well as our regular items of regulatory notifications, consultations, national and international news, and upcoming events in the update.
This week’s update highlights the resilience of New Zealand’s primary sector with MPI’s SOPI report, new trade arrangements, and positive results from recent harvests. In overseas news, India continues to be a focus for exports and Australia invests in new technologies to support phytosanitary requirements. You’ll find links to these as well as our regular items of regulatory notifications, consultations, national and international news, and upcoming events in the update.
This week’s update covers the impact of new trade agreements, the leadership transition at Zespri and New Zealand consumer’s view of food safety. The avocado sector features widely in international news with Australia’s optimism on negotiation access to China, Colombia launching a national avocado brand to represent the sustainability of its production and Tesco trialling lasering avocados to reduce plastic waste. You’ll find links to these as well as our regular items of regulatory notifications, consultations, national and international news, and upcoming events in the update.
In this week’s update, there are changes to the leadership in horticulture organisations, NZGAP celebrates a 25-year milestone and trade negotiations get underway for an NZ-UAE FTA. In international news, the EU rules on packaging and packaging waste are one step closer to being implemented and an EUIPO ruling clarifies the scope of protection on descriptive names of apples. You’ll find links to these as well as our regular items of regulatory notifications, consultations, national and international news, and upcoming events in the update.
AuthorWe receive and read lots of interesting publications. We collate the most interesting and relevant items in our regular update. Archives
December 2024